Maliswe: Tablet Version


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This traditional South African Song is wonderfully arranged in three part harmony. It's a joy to sing and is true to its performance direction of 'With Joyous Energy'.
This song arrangement is included in the forthcoming Young Voices 2017 series of concerts at huge venues throughout the UK.
Consequently the quality of the recorded voices and full Band Accompaniment is of the very highest quality.
Indeed this App will be an important element of the preparation for the concerts.
Ideal for School and Community Choirs...or even for individuals who enjoy singing and are unable to commit themselves to regular choir practices.
Choir members can learn their parts at home and come to rehearsal confident that they can 'hold' their individual line.
They can sing and learn their part with the recorded vocalist ...all three parts can be heard and each part can be displayed.
You can control the balance of the recorded voices and the African Drums which are a great accompaniment
This allows you to learn your part and then 'bring' in the other parts gradually as your confidence grows.
A real time Beat Counter acts as a conductor.
Practise can take place at slower tempi to help with the pronunciation of the words.
Sections or even Bars of each of the Parts can be chosen and repeated until sung confidently.
Far more time at full rehearsals can be devoted to interpretation rather than learning the parts.
Sectional rehearsals could take place during the full rehearsal using a phone